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1. No being inappropriate or NSFW.

2. Don't bully or raid this server, or even other servers. If we find out you're a raider, you will be warned, muted, kicked, and/or banned, depending on the severity.

3. Be kind to all.

4. If someone is breaking a rule, don't get involved- just take a screenshot and send it to admin. However, if it is something serious, like raiding, you do have permission to ping us or do whatever you can to stop them. Remember to get their IDs and send them to Vaporeon or Themis, and we will ban them.

5. Don't spam except in channels with spamming allowed.


6. Use OOC channels to talk.

7. No unapproved ads or invites.

8. Bot commands are only allowed in the designated channels.

9. No toxicity in this server. Ever.


10. Your name has to be easily pingable. Unicode is okay, but it has to contain at least 2 letters that are easily typed on a standard keyboard.



1. Don't let your emotions in the real world affect your character. It is important to remember that your characters are not you, and you shouldn't let your emotions affect them.


2. Similar to rule 1, don't let your character's emotions affect you.


3. No overpowered characters. Everyone has flaws. Your character must have flaws as well.


4. Stay in character while RPing! If you want to talk, use parenthesis or brackets.


5. No unapproved powerplays.


6. Roleplays have to follow the general way things go in the Warriors books (names, things like that).


7. You ARE ALLOWED to have more than one character- in fact, it is even slightly encouraged. However, you are not allowed to have more than 1 high rank at one time unless you were appointed by the current leader. You are also not allowed to have more than 1 medicine cat at a time. Adopting does not count as appointing, so you can't adopt a hr if you already have one. You are not allowed, IN ANY CASE, to have two leaders of two different CLANS at once.


8. Do not kill another person's character without permission!


9. Leaders are expected to be responsible and perform ceremonies just like in the books. They also have the power to exile and punish cats for not behaving.


10. No controlling other people's characters.


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